Renault KWID: concept per il mercato indiano

Renault KWID Concept – All’Auto Show di Nuova Delhi, Renault svela la concept KWID un veicolo robusto a 5 posti (tre nell’anteriore e due nel posteriore), dal design divertente, pensata per i giovani clienti del mercato indiano.

Realizzata su input della Renault India, ricopre il petalo “Explore” nel fiore del design Renault che ha visto protagonste altre concept come la: Renault Twin’Run o la Renault Twinz . Il design è muscoloso, caratterizzato da ruote di dimensioni genereose, dall’assetto rialzato; richiama le buggy, i fuoristrada di piccole dimensioni e l’avventura.

Gli interni si ispirano ai nidi degli uccelli e risultano morbidi e luminosi. I sedili, come sospesi in una solida base bianca, donano una sensazione di leggerezza. I comandi sono integrati in un tablet e la posizione di guida è centrale per meglio adattarsi sia a mercati con guida a destra sia con guida a sinistra.

Dal tetto della KWID “decolla” la vera sorpresa il Flying Companion, una specie di elicotterino che può seguire passo passo la strada o volare in modalità manuale. Può essere utilizzato per monitorare il traffico, individuare ostacoli o semplicemente scattare foto del panorama.

La concept, due ruote motrici, è già Z.E. ready, cioè pronta per essere mossa da un motore elettrico. Ad oggi, invece, è spinta dall’ultima generazione di motore Renault, frutto del downsizing, il 1.2 benzina turbo con cambio automatico a doppia frizione.

English Version: KWID CONCEPT, a concept car unveiled at the Delhi Auto Show, highlights both Renault’s commitment to new markets, such as India, as well as the company’s ability to produce appealing products in the compact car segment. The vehicle’s robust, yet fun design, along with its technologydriven features, is targeted at meeting the needs of young customers in these markets. The KWID CONCEPT was designed with inputs from Renault Design India and is covered by the ‘Explore’ petal of Renault’s lifecyclebased design strategy.

The vehicle’s exciting proportions and dimensions as well as very short overhangs give the impression of a bouncing vehicle, while its oversized wheels protrude past the fenders and make the KWID CONCEPT look like a buggy car. The playfulness of the vehicle’s exterior design is offset by a robust appearance due to its protective guards and chunky wings, which exude an impression of strength. The vehicle comes with a twowheel drive transmission, but projects the facade of an offroad car.

The interior of the KWID CONCEPT is designed to serve as a snug cocoon and is inspired by a bird’s nest. The vehicle’s seats, suspended over a solid base in white, give an impression of lightness, while their 2tone elastomer material provides a sense of brightness. The KWID CONCEPT also features rear air conditioning with controls on the driver seat’s back as well as ventilation through concentric perforations. The dashboard is an integrated tablet for commanding the navigation of the Flying Companion.

Beyond the playful and imaginative styling of the KWID CONCEPT, the concept car also comes equipped with a host of technologydriven features, led by its Flying Companion. Aimed at offering a safe as well as fun driving experience, the Flying Companion is the first of its kind in the automotive world. Taking off from the rotating rear portion of the KWID CONCEPT’s roof, the Flying Companion can be operated in one of two modes – the automatic mode using a preprogrammed flying sequence and GPS location as well as the manual mode, which enables the companion to be controlled using a tablet inside the vehicle. The Flying Companion can be used for a variety of purposes, including scouting traffic, taking landscape pictures and detecting obstacles on the road ahead.

The KWID CONCEPT is also Z.E ready being predisposed to receive batteries for electric use and comes with a charging plug behind the Renault logo. The KWID CONCEPT is use and comes with a charging plug behind the Renault logo. The KWID CONCEPT is powered by the latestgeneration downsized 1.2litre petrol turbocharged engine mated to dualclutch transmission EDC to combine driving enjoyment with low fuel consumption. Other technologyrich features include electric operated front bench seat on a center rail, electric opening doors, LED lighting, lack of gearshift (command with touches next to the steering). The verticallymounted TFT touchscreen display acts as the dashboard in the KWID CONCEPT and also provides access to connected services.

Paolo Morandi: Da sempre amante di motori e web. Le quattro ruote le preferisco classiche piccole, veloci e possibilmente inglesi.
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